
National Navigation Award Scheme

The National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS) is a charity promoting the teaching of navigation skills via its three Navigator Awards, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The focus is on practical navigation and encouraging people of all ages and abilities to the outdoors. Founded in 1994 by teacher and orienteer Peter Palmer, the organisation has gone from strength to strength and has guided thousands of people through the progressive award structure to become confident outdoor navigators.

National Navigation Award Scheme and MountainXperience

The NNAS Navigator Awards have been adopted by Duke of Edinburgh Award groups, military cadets, Scouts and Guides and many other youth groups as well as by individuals wishing to develop their own navigation skills. Having proven navigation skills is also a requirement for professional outdoor qualifications and membership of mountain and lowland rescue organisations.

If you’re looking to learn new outdoor skills, earn a qualification or just want to improve your map and compass use, book yourself onto a National Navigation Award Scheme Navigator Award course today!

Starting with the Bronze Navigator Award where you’ll learn essential map reading skills on our two day course. You’ll develop new outdoor skills such as how to use ‘handrail features’ like paths and walls to guide you along your way as well learning how to measure distance, understand grid references and plan your own routes. You’ll also learn the basics of how to use a compass and how to use it with your map to ensure you don’t get lost. 

On the Silver Navigator Award you’ll start to leave the paths behind and navigate in open country using a compass on short bearings. As your confidence increases you’ll learn more advanced compass skills and add in timing and pacing too. 

Our intensive ‘Straight to Silver’ Navigator Award is for those looking for  the ultimate navigation learning experience. Over three days you’ll go from map reader novice to navigation expert as you progress through the syllabus for both the Bronze and Silver NNAS Navigator Awards.

The Gold Navigator Award is the one of the leading navigation qualifications available and is for those really looking to push their boundaries. You’ll hone your skills developed during the Bronze and Silver Awards and discover new techniques to help you navigate in the most complex terrain. Even in poor visibility, the Gold Navigator will be able to follow a route with ease and confidence.

The NNAS Tutor Award is a 1 day (8 hour) course for anyone who wants to teach the NNAS Navigator Awards. It can also be useful to those working towards leadership qualifications such as the Lowland Leader, Hill and Moorland Leader or Mountain Leader.

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