Born locally, Hywyn (pronounced ‘her-win’), is something of a legend on Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) having summited over 2000 times over the last 45 years! He was interviewed back in 2019 by about his love of the mountain.

Welsh (and English!) speaker, Hywyn is passionate about Eryri (Snowdonia) and its cultural heritage and is a fountain of knowledge. Spending time on the mountain with Hywyn, you’re certain to come away with a whole host of new facts you couldn’t have dreamed of.

When he’s working on the mountain, Hywyn loves to add value to peoples’ day with a vast collection of interesting stories about Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) over the years.

Hywyn is a Gold Level Eryri Ambassador having completed the Wales Ambassador scheme. The project provides a unique training opportunity to enhance knowledge of Eryri National Park’s Special Qualities and all that makes Eryri exceptional. As an ambassador of the scheme, Hywyn play’s an important role in enriching the visitor and local experience of Eryri.

Yn Gymraeg

Ganed yn lleol, mae Hywyn yn dipyn o chwedl ar Yr Wyddfa, wedi cyrraedd y copa dros 2000 o weithiau dros y 45 mlynedd diwethaf!

Fel siaradwr cymraeg, mae Hywyn yn angerddol dros Eryri a’ threftadaeth ddiwylliannol ac yn ffynnon o wybodaeth. Wrth dreulio amser ar y mynydd gyda Hywyn ‘rydych yn sir o ddod i ffwrdd gyda llond gwlad o ffeithiau newydd na allech fod wedi breuddwydio amdanynt.

Pan yn gweithio ar y mynydd, mae Hywyn wrth ei fodd yn ychwanegu gwerth at ddiwrnod y bobl gyda chasgliad helaeth o straeon difyr am Yr Wyddfa ar hyd y blynyddoedd.

Fel rhan o gynllun Llysgenhadon Cymru, mae Hywyn yn Llysgennad Lefel Aur Eryri. Mae’r prosiect yn darparu cyfle hyfforddi unigryw i wella gwybodaeth am Rinweddau Arbennig Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri a phopeth sy’n gwneud Eryri n eithriadol.

Fel Llysgennad y cynllun mae Hywyn yn chwarae rhan bwysig wrth gyfoethogi’r ymwelydd a’r profiad lleol o Eryri.

What have MountainXperience clients said about Hywyn?

A fantastic day in every way – the weather was amazing , a lovely group of people to hike with and Hywyn our guide was absolutely brilliant. His knowledge of the mountain was mind boggling as he shared so many interesting facts about the history and the geology of Snowdon – but best of all were the stories he entertained us with throughout the day. He spent time getting to know each member of the group and was constantly checking in with us to make sure we were all okay, setting a comfortable pace to enable us all to complete the hike safely. Thank you Hywyn and MountainXperience for a great day and for helping us achieve the first of our retirement challenges!!!

Baljit B via Tripadvisor

We had an amazing day with Hywyn on our hike to the summit. He made sure the pace was just right and continuously made sure everyone was okay. His stories kept us motivated and distracted on the toughest parts. I couldn’t have asked for a better day and I’m already looking forward to doing Crib Goch with you in July.

Rebecca T via Tripadvisor

Our first ever mountain walk and we could not have felt more comfortable and safe. Our guide Hywyn was full of positivity and funny stories. We were out for 7 hours with plenty of breaks! Fun and rewarding day out.

Vanessa C via Tripadvisor

Our guide was Hywyn, and he was great. He shared his local knowledge and stories which made the experience so much fun. We took the hike at a steady pace and made good time but also didn’t feel rushed at all so we really got the most out of the day. Nearing the summit the temperature dropped and visibility was poor but Hywyn kept us on track and confident. It was a super day and we had the best time.

Rosalind W via Tripadvisor

(These are just a handful of the genuine testimonials about Hywyn that we’ve received from happy customers this season. Thanks Hywyn for making MountainXperience the number one outdoor provider on Tripadvisor.)

Hywyn’s mountain photo gallery