Neither do we 🙁 But unfortunately they’re imposed on us by our booking platform.

If you’re booking a £39 hike up Snowdon, the fees are only a few pounds and most people are ok with that however if you’re trying to join one of our popular courses or arranging a private guide, the fees can be as much as £10 or even more.

Fortunately, you can avoid these fees by booking and paying by bank transfer or over with your credit or debit card over the phone.

Booking and paying by bank transfer

  1. Check availability and the correct price by starting a booking online.
  2. E-mail with your name, email address and telephone number along with the activity and dates you’d like to book.
  3. We’ll reply with our bank details. Once the payment has been made, we’ll manually process your booking for you.

Booking and paying with your credit or debit card over the phone

  1. Simply call us on 01248 614120 and we’ll take your booking and process your payment ‘fee free’.
  2. Or email and we’ll call you back.